Certified Member Level
Certified Member Credential: ISA CAPP
The ISA CAPP credential is the highest achievement in ISA credentialing and the appraisal industry. It signifies appraising expertise, professional development, and advanced skills.
How to Become a Certified Member
- Fulfill all ISA AM requirements. Must provide proof of 30 semester hours from an accredited college, junior college, community college, or university if not previously provided.
- Submit CAPP application and pay the accompanying $300 fee. The CAPP application fee includes the online CAPP Review Course as a study resource. The CAPP Review Course was adapted from the Core Course and is self-paced and has no instructor involvement. You will not need to complete assignments or exams.
- Document 200 hours of appraisal-related experience, accrued within the past five years and after becoming an Accredited Member.
- Complete an online certification examination based on application of appraisal theory, principles, methodology, ethics and report writing standards to real-life appraisal scenarios involving the appraisal functions typically encountered by personal property appraisers. Online exam proctoring available.
- Submit one appraisal report for a broad evidence case (supplied by ISA) that considers a multi-objective problem including fair market valuation, replacement costs, scrap and/or salvage value, etc. This assignment will examine the appraiser’s ability to develop and report multiple valuations and substantiate the results.
- Complete the CAPP application process within one year from the date of application or CAPP applicant will be required to start over (pay the fee, take the exam, submit the appraisal reports, etc.).
Once you are a Certified Member
- May use the ISA CAPP designation on printed materials along with your name, with or without the ISA logo. Must include ISA CAPP followed by ISA Certified Appraiser of Personal Property in your signature line.
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