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Showing 1–25 of 565 appraisers Show options Back to full results

  1. Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

    Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G. Gemology/Gemstones, Jewelry - Contemporary, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Estate, Jewelry - Gemstones

    (210) 415-8413
    12800 San Pedro
    San Antonio, TX, United States
    14018 Boulder Oaks
    San Antonio, TX, United States

  2. Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

    Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Paintings, Photography & Photographs, Prints, Sculpture

    (301) 340-6775
    8 Hardwicke Place
    Rockville, MD, United States

  3. Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

    Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Porcelain, Pottery, Silver

    (248) 590-0130
    7 W Square Lake Rd
    Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States

  4. Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4058 Curlew Drive
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  5. Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4496 Whisper Dr.
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  6. Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Dinnerware, Furniture, Glass, Pottery

    (972) 416-3417
    13901 Midway Road #102-152
    Dallas, TX, United States

  7. Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Arts & Crafts - Quilts, Collectibles - Sewing, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Pottery, Textiles

    (817) 926-9424
    1205 Mistletoe Dr
    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  8. Sidney T McKenzie, ISA

    Sidney T McKenzie, ISA ISA AM Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver, Textiles

    (713) 863-1213
    2525 Robinhood St. Suite 1100
    Houston, TX, United States

  9. Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

    Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Collectibles, Porcelain, Silver

    (972) 418-9092
    18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
    Dallas, TX, United States

  10. Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

    Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture - British, Furniture - European, Silver

    (972) 771-9664
    106 Autumn Trail
    Rockwall, TX, United States

  11. Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

    Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Carpets & Rugs, Oriental Rugs, Textiles, Textiles - Asian

    (858) 453-4686
    9705 Blackgold Road
    La Jolla, CA, United States

  12. Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics - Asian, Natural Resources - Jade, Netsuke Inro & Ojime, Paintings - Asian, Prints - Japanese

    (941) 371-4643
    870 Greystone Lane
    Sarasota, FL, United States

  13. Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member

    Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Glass, Silver

    (205) 872-7414
    52 Guildswood
    Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

  14. Suzanne C. Staley, ISA

    Suzanne C. Staley, ISA ISA CAPP Certified

    4000 Essex Lane
    Houston, TX, United States

  15. Vivien L. Hessel, CAPP

    Vivien L. Hessel, CAPP ISA CAPP Certified

    (714) 313-3727
    8692 Nantucket Way
    Garden Grove, CA, United States

  16. Marian R Aubry, ISA CAPP

    Marian R Aubry, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver - Sterling

    (941) 544-6806
    5647 Key Largo Court
    Bradenton, FL, United States

  17. Stephanie A Daugherty, MA, GIA GG, ISA CAPP

    Stephanie A Daugherty, MA, GIA GG, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Paintings, Silver

    (973) 352-7931
    437 Amwell Road #7162
    Hillsborough, NJ, United States

  18. Pam Campbell, ISA CAPP

    Pam Campbell, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 20th Century, Drawings, Paintings, Prints - 20th Century, Sculpture - 20th Century

    (817) 233-0586
    1800 Merrick St.
    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  19. Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP

    Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Glass, Paintings, Prints, Sculpture

    (425) 298-6455
    1406 N. 46th Street
    Seattle, WA, United States

  20. Dina Brown, ISA CAPP

    Dina Brown, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 20th Century, Drawings - 20th Century, Paintings - 20th Century, Prints - 20th Century Limited Edition, Sculpture - 20th Century

    (323) 651-1956
    311 North Robertson Blvd.
    Beverly Hills, CA, United States

  21. Tracy L. Dopko, ISA CAPP

    Tracy L. Dopko, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Equipment - Farm, Livestock

    (780) 892-7930
    Box 375
    Darwell, AB, Canada

  22. Patricia A. Thompson, ISA CAPP, CGA, GG, CIA, CBJ

    Patricia A. Thompson, ISA CAPP, CGA, GG, CIA, CBJ ISA CAPP Certified Jewelry, Jewelry - Antique & Period, Jewelry - Contemporary, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Estate

    (662) 844-2427
    1125 West Main Street
    Tupelo, MS, United States

  23. Carol A. Matesic, ISA CAPP

    Carol A. Matesic, ISA  CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Porcelain, Silver, Transport - Classic Cars

    (214) 244-0903
    PO Box 12824
    Dallas, TX, United States

  24. Fred J. Winer, ISA CAPP

    Fred J. Winer, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Glass, Porcelain

    (410) 337-0085
    17 Tanner Court
    Baltimore, MD, United States

  25. Shelley D Hall, ISA CAPP

    Shelley D Hall, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 20th Century, Art - Impressionist & Modern, Paintings, Prints, Sculpture

    (971) 217-8441
    Lake Oswego, OR, United States
    Bend, OR, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPPCharles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

(301) 340-6775
8 Hardwicke Place
Rockville, MD, United States


Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPPDarlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

(248) 590-0130
7 W Square Lake Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States


Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberRichard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4058 Curlew Drive
Pensacola, FL, United States


Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberLogan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4496 Whisper Dr.
Pensacola, FL, United States


Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life MemberLorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

(972) 416-3417
13901 Midway Road #102-152
Dallas, TX, United States


Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life MemberTerri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member

(817) 926-9424
1205 Mistletoe Dr
Fort Worth, TX, United States


Sidney T McKenzie, ISASidney T McKenzie, ISA

(713) 863-1213
2525 Robinhood St. Suite 1100
Houston, TX, United States


Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPPBeverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

(972) 418-9092
18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
Dallas, TX, United States


Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPPMarigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

(972) 771-9664
106 Autumn Trail
Rockwall, TX, United States


Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPPValentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

(858) 453-4686
9705 Blackgold Road
La Jolla, CA, United States


Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life MemberDaphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

(941) 371-4643
870 Greystone Lane
Sarasota, FL, United States


Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime MemberMolly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member

(205) 872-7414
52 Guildswood
Tuscaloosa, AL, United States


Suzanne C. Staley, ISASuzanne C. Staley, ISA

4000 Essex Lane
Houston, TX, United States


Vivien L. Hessel, CAPPVivien L. Hessel, CAPP

(714) 313-3727
8692 Nantucket Way
Garden Grove, CA, United States


Marian R Aubry, ISA CAPPMarian R Aubry, ISA CAPP

(941) 544-6806
5647 Key Largo Court
Bradenton, FL, United States


Stephanie A Daugherty, MA, GIA GG, ISA CAPPStephanie A Daugherty, MA, GIA GG, ISA CAPP

(973) 352-7931
437 Amwell Road #7162
Hillsborough, NJ, United States


Pam Campbell, ISA CAPPPam Campbell, ISA CAPP

(817) 233-0586
1800 Merrick St.
Fort Worth, TX, United States


Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPPPamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP

(425) 298-6455
1406 N. 46th Street
Seattle, WA, United States


Dina Brown, ISA CAPPDina Brown, ISA CAPP

(323) 651-1956
311 North Robertson Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA, United States


Tracy L. Dopko, ISA CAPPTracy L. Dopko, ISA CAPP

(780) 892-7930
Box 375
Darwell, AB, Canada


Patricia A. Thompson, ISA CAPP, CGA, GG, CIA, CBJPatricia A. Thompson, ISA CAPP, CGA, GG, CIA, CBJ

(662) 844-2427
1125 West Main Street
Tupelo, MS, United States


Carol A. Matesic, ISA  CAPPCarol A. Matesic, ISA CAPP

(214) 244-0903
PO Box 12824
Dallas, TX, United States


Fred J. Winer, ISA CAPPFred J. Winer, ISA CAPP

(410) 337-0085
17 Tanner Court
Baltimore, MD, United States


Shelley D Hall, ISA CAPPShelley D Hall, ISA CAPP

(971) 217-8441
Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Bend, OR, United States


Shelley D Hall, ISA CAPPShelley D Hall, ISA CAPP

(971) 217-8441
Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Bend, OR, United States

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