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Showing 1–25 of 528 appraisers Show options Back to full results

  1. Cindy Charleston-Rosenberg, ISA CAPP

    Cindy Charleston-Rosenberg, ISA CAPP Art, Paintings, Prints, Sculpture, Watercolors

    (215) 469-0010
    1800 Ashbourne Road
    Elkins Park, PA, United States

  2. Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

    Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G. Gemology/Gemstones, Jewelry - Contemporary, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Estate, Jewelry - Gemstones

    (210) 415-8413
    12800 San Pedro
    San Antonio, TX, United States
    14018 Boulder Oaks
    San Antonio, TX, United States

  3. Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPP

    Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPP Art, Paintings - 20th Century, Photography - 20th Century, Prints - Modern & Contemporary, Sculpture - Contemporary

    (214) 460-3503
    P.O. Box 620244
    Woodside, CA, United States

  4. Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP

    Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver, Tiffany Studio Lamps, Wine

    (301) 879-3204
    8808 Mustang Island Circle
    Naples, FL, United States

  5. Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

    Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture - British, Furniture - European, Silver

    (972) 771-9664
    106 Autumn Trail
    Rockwall, TX, United States

  6. Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4058 Curlew Drive
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  7. Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Dinnerware, Furniture, Glass, Pottery

    (972) 416-3417
    13901 Midway Road #102-152
    Dallas, TX, United States

  8. Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

    Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Porcelain, Pottery, Silver

    (248) 590-0130
    7 W Square Lake Rd
    Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States

  9. Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

    Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Carpets & Rugs, Oriental Rugs, Textiles, Textiles - Asian

    (858) 453-4686
    9705 Blackgold Road
    La Jolla, CA, United States

  10. Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

    Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Paintings, Photography & Photographs, Prints, Sculpture

    (301) 340-6775
    8 Hardwicke Place
    Rockville, MD, United States

  11. Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

    Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Collectibles, Porcelain, Silver

    (972) 418-9092
    18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
    Dallas, TX, United States

  12. Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member, Private Client Services

    Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member, Private Client Services ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Glass, Silver

    (205) 872-7414
    52 Guildswood
    Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

  13. Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics - Asian, Natural Resources - Jade, Netsuke Inro & Ojime, Paintings - Asian, Prints - Japanese

    (941) 371-4643
    870 Greystone Lane
    Sarasota, FL, United States

  14. Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4058 Curlew Drive
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  15. John A. Buxton, ISA CAPP

    John A. Buxton, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified American Indigenous Art, Art - African, Art - Oceanic Ethnic & Tribal, Art - Pre-Columbian, Artifacts & Archeological Items

    (972) 239-4620
    6717 Spring Valley Road
    Dallas, TX, United States

  16. Lisa W. Duke, ISA CAPP

    Lisa W. Duke, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Ceramics, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver

    (720) 272-8482
    4 East Belleview Place
    Cherry Hills Village, CO, United States

  17. Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

    Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate ISA CAPP Certified

    (410) 236-8305
    719 Holland Lane
    Westminster, MD, United States

    Baltimore, MD, United States

    Washington, DC, United States

    Gettysburg, PA, United States

  18. Candace A Hill, MBA, ISA CAPP

    Candace A Hill, MBA, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified American Indigenous Art, Antiquities, Art, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture

    (720) 771-1211
    8408 Devinney Ct
    Arvada, CO, United States

  19. Darlene N. Wong, FCGmA, ISA CAPP, GIA Pearls, RMV

    Darlene N. Wong, FCGmA, ISA CAPP, GIA Pearls, RMV ISA CAPP Certified Antiquities, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Jewelry - Antique & Period, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Watches

    (778) 855-7701
    By appointment only
    Richmond, BC, Canada

  20. Christine N. Corbin, ISA-CAPP

    Christine N. Corbin, ISA-CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture

    (804) 360-3816
    1053 Holly Point Road
    Mathews, VA, United States

  21. Ruth Winston, ISA CAPP

    Ruth Winston, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Furniture - Victorian, Paintings, Photography & Photographs, Sculpture, Silver

    (504) 418-0122
    938 Lafayette Street
    New Orleans, LA, United States

  22. Len de Rohan, ISA CAPP

    Len de Rohan, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 19th Century, Art - 20th Century, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver - Sterling

    (865) 803-9153
    7320 Parliament Drive
    Knoxville, TN, United States

  23. B. Kathleen Gallagher, MA, MBA, PhD, ISA CAPP

    B. Kathleen Gallagher,  MA, MBA, PhD, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Art - 19th Century, Art - 20th Century, Art - American, Paintings

    4902 Fireside Ct.
    Garland, TX, United States

  24. Terra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPP

    Terra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Collectibles, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver - 19th Century

    (503) 997-0885
    25 NW 23rd Place
    Portland, OR, United States
    25 NW 23rd Place
    Portland, OR, United States

  25. Meredith Meuwly, ISA CAPP

    Meredith Meuwly, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Glass, Paintings, Photography & Photographs, Prints, Sculpture


Cindy Charleston-Rosenberg, ISA CAPPCindy Charleston-Rosenberg, ISA CAPP

(215) 469-0010
1800 Ashbourne Road
Elkins Park, PA, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPPPerri Guthrie, ISA CAPP

(214) 460-3503
P.O. Box 620244
Woodside, CA, United States


Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPPAloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP

(301) 879-3204
8808 Mustang Island Circle
Naples, FL, United States


Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPPMarigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

(972) 771-9664
106 Autumn Trail
Rockwall, TX, United States


Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberLogan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4058 Curlew Drive
Pensacola, FL, United States


Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life MemberLorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

(972) 416-3417
13901 Midway Road #102-152
Dallas, TX, United States


Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPPDarlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

(248) 590-0130
7 W Square Lake Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States


Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPPValentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

(858) 453-4686
9705 Blackgold Road
La Jolla, CA, United States


Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPPCharles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

(301) 340-6775
8 Hardwicke Place
Rockville, MD, United States


Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPPBeverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

(972) 418-9092
18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
Dallas, TX, United States


Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member, Private Client ServicesMolly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member, Private Client Services

(205) 872-7414
52 Guildswood
Tuscaloosa, AL, United States


Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life MemberDaphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

(941) 371-4643
870 Greystone Lane
Sarasota, FL, United States


Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberRichard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4058 Curlew Drive
Pensacola, FL, United States


John A. Buxton, ISA CAPPJohn A. Buxton, ISA CAPP

(972) 239-4620
6717 Spring Valley Road
Dallas, TX, United States


Lisa W. Duke, ISA CAPPLisa W. Duke, ISA CAPP

(720) 272-8482
4 East Belleview Place
Cherry Hills Village, CO, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Candace A Hill, MBA, ISA CAPPCandace A Hill, MBA, ISA CAPP

(720) 771-1211
8408 Devinney Ct
Arvada, CO, United States


Darlene N. Wong, FCGmA, ISA CAPP, GIA Pearls, RMVDarlene N. Wong, FCGmA, ISA CAPP, GIA Pearls, RMV

(778) 855-7701
By appointment only
Richmond, BC, Canada


Christine N. Corbin, ISA-CAPPChristine N. Corbin, ISA-CAPP

(804) 360-3816
1053 Holly Point Road
Mathews, VA, United States


Ruth Winston, ISA CAPPRuth Winston, ISA CAPP

(504) 418-0122
938 Lafayette Street
New Orleans, LA, United States


Len de Rohan, ISA CAPPLen de Rohan, ISA CAPP

(865) 803-9153
7320 Parliament Drive
Knoxville, TN, United States


B. Kathleen Gallagher,  MA, MBA, PhD, ISA CAPPB. Kathleen Gallagher, MA, MBA, PhD, ISA CAPP

4902 Fireside Ct.
Garland, TX, United States


Terra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPPTerra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPP

(503) 997-0885
25 NW 23rd Place
Portland, OR, United States
25 NW 23rd Place
Portland, OR, United States


Terra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPPTerra L. Goodman, ISA AM CAPP

(503) 997-0885
25 NW 23rd Place
Portland, OR, United States
25 NW 23rd Place
Portland, OR, United States

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