Congratulating ISA’s 2022 Award Winners
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Wednesday, June 8, 2022 in News
The ISA Annual Awards Program gives us the opportunity to recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond to help strengthen the mission of ISA and the personal property appraising profession. In addition to bestowing more than 15 awards this year, ISA would like to give a huge thank you to the board, committee members, members, and staff for their hard work in keeping ISA running smoothly throughout such a difficult year. The effort and commitment to ISA have not gone unnoticed.
This year, ISA honored much-deserving 2022 award recipients at the virtual awards ceremony on May 31, which coincided with the ISA Annual Member Business Meeting. Please join ISA in congratulating the winners below for their significant contributions to the organization and its members.
President's Award
Libby has contributed to ISA for the past many years and has undertaken every possible role along the way. She served as the following: an ambassador, an instructor, a mentor, a committee member, a board member, a committee liaison, and lastly as President of ISA. When Libby's term as President ended, she became a director and, in no time, she found additional opportunities where work needs to be done, such as aspects of membership, committee guidelines and sponsorship, among others.
ISA would like to thank Libby for all of her ongoing hard work and continued unwavering loyalty to ISA. She has been a role model of service and an invaluable member of our community.
Lamp Of Knowledge Award
This year’s winner is more like the fountain of knowledge. ISA proudly presents Meredith Meuwly with the Lamp of Knowledge Award in gratitude for her years of tireless service, professional generosity and unwavering dedication.
Appraisal Advancement Award
Isabelle is a boundary-pushing advocate for emerging artists, a social media darling and Chair of the Fine Arts Committee. For her inexhaustible and visionary work, ISA proudly presents Isabelle Weiss with the Appraisal Advancement Award.
Rising Leader Award
For boldly taking ISA into the new world of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, ISA not only awards her but thanks Genice Lee for her energy and courage. ISA proudly presents Genice with the Rising Leader Award.
ISA Instructor Distinguished Service Award
For teaching the bedrock of ISA education, the Core Course, with the patience of a saint and the knowledge of a CAPP, ISA proudly recognizes Diane Marvin as the Distinguished ISA Instructor of the year.
ISA Retiring Instructor Award
If it weren’t for Mickey Logan, many ISA members would not be where they are today. On behalf of his students lucky enough to have learned from him, ISA thanks him for his intelligence, good cheer, and command of the courses he taught. It is with great appreciation that ISA extends this award to Mickey.
Leadership Award
Darlene took the helm of the Gems & Jewelry Committee and ushered it into the future with the trust and support of her committee. Sourcing inspiring speakers, proposing exciting programs and initiating the Gems & Jewelry Symposium, Darlene Wong is most deserving of the Leadership Award.
Distinguished Service Award - Fine Arts
Aside from her role as Marketing Director, Bailey is also an active ISA member devoting countless hours to countless committees. Her name is synonymous with tech and social media in the ISA. It is an honor to present Bailey Sexton with the Distinguished Service of Award in Fine Arts.
Distinguished Service Award - Antiques, Furnishings + Decorative Arts
Armen has been called the “go-to”, “can-do" and “glue” of the North Texas ISA Chapter who is utterly “irreplaceable”. It is with great pleasure that ISA awards Armen Dohanian lll with this year's Distinguished Service Award in Antiques, Furnishings + Decorative Arts.
Distinguished Service Award - Gems And Jewelry
Amy has been the Gem & Jewelry’s secret weapon, working steadily and quietly behind the scenes to actively contribute to the goals and direction of the Committee. It is with great pleasure that ISA recognizes Amy Lawch with the Distinguished Service Award in Gems & Jewelry.
Special Service Award
On days, nights, and weekends, in rain or shine, Sami Baron answered ISA's calls and emails calmly, efficiently, and cheerfully every day and all the time. It is with great pleasure that ISA acknowledges her for the Special Service Award.
Foundation For Appraisal Education Award
As treasurer of the FAE board, Gregory has balanced the books, watched the account like a hawk and has been instrumental in the success of the organization. It is with gratitude that ISA awards Gregory Bingham the distinguished service award for the FAE.
2022 ISA Certified Members - CAPP
Please join ISA in congratulating our newest Certified members.
Outgoing Board Of Directors Service Award
Tara Ana has been a pillar of strength, hard work and grace. She has reached back every time ISA has reached out. Now that she has transitioned to the board of the FAE, it is the board's loss and their gain. This award is in recognition of Tara Ana's past and continuing service to ISA.
Larissa is ISA's globetrotting, podcaster extraordinaire. A social media maven and treasured part of the Meet & Greet welcoming team. Although she has left the board, we are excited to see what she will do next.
Len has been a solid voice of reason on the board and a beacon of moral principles. She has willingly, consistently and generously served and continues to do as the Chair of the Ethics Committee. ISA has had the utmost pleasure to work with Len.