Individuals Misrepresenting ISA Credentials
Only individuals meeting ISA's training, education, testing, continuing education, and membership requirements may use ISA’s marks and logos.
The individuals listed below do not currently meet all of the ISA Requirements and therefore may not use ISA’s marks and logos. ISA notified the individuals listed below that they may not use ISA’s marks and logos. Nevertheless, these individuals continue to do so. The purpose of this disclosure, is to make the public aware that the individuals listed below do not meet all of the ISA Requirements and are using ISA’s marks and logos without ISA’s permission:
Winston McKenzie - Houston, TX
Cynthia Williams - Houston, TX
Angela Goins - Douglasville, GA
Paige Appraisals - Appraisers in MD, VA, Washington DC
Joy Zgola - Fair Oaks, CA
Bo Patrick - Phoenix, AZ
Larry Shapiro - Hartford, CT
To report an appraiser that you suspect of falsely representing themselves as an ISA appraiser, please contact ISA.