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Showing 1–10 of 10 appraisers Show options Back to full results

  • performs Decorative Arts & Accessories Remove
  • performs Gold Remove
  1. Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

    Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1 ISA CAPP Certified Antiquities, Art, Carpets & Rugs, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Music - Instruments

    (316) 613-9686
    7310 W 52nd, ste A132
    Denver, CO, United States
    5062 S. 108th, ste 301
    Omaha, NE, United States
    6222 E. 21st, ste 120
    Wichita, KS, United States
    6614 Clayton, ste 277
    St. Louis, MO, United States
    5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
    Indianapolis, IN, United States
    625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
    Aspen, CO, United States
    2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
    Vail, CO, United States
    1630 30th St, suite A522
    Boulder, CO, United States
    4741 Central St, suite 552
    Kansas City, MO, United States
    7672 Montgomery Rd
    Cincinnati, OH, United States
    6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
    Colorado Springs, CO, United States
    655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
    Deerfield, IL, United States

  2. Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

    Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate ISA CAPP Certified

    (410) 236-8305
    719 Holland Lane
    Westminster, MD, United States

    Baltimore, MD, United States

    Washington, DC, United States

    Gettysburg, PA, United States

  3. Maureen S. Winer, ISA CAPP

    Maureen S. Winer, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Glass, Objet d'art & De Vertu, Silver - Sterling

    (410) 337-0085
    17 Tanner Court
    Baltimore, MD, United States

  4. Bruce O Treadway, ISA CAPP

    Bruce O Treadway, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Arms & Armor - Firearms, Art, Collectibles, Furniture, Silver

    (847) 278-0434
    600 Hart Rd.
    Barrington, IL, United States
    5 Revere Dr.
    Northbrook, IL, United States

  5. Laura A Duguid

    Laura A Duguid ISA AM Ceramics, Clothing & Accessories, Collectibles, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture

    (608) 579-4930
    345 W. Washington Avenue
    Madison, WI, United States
    318 Adams
    Chicago, IL, United States
    909 Davis Street
    Evanston, IL, United States

  6. Lynn C. Rabins

    Lynn C. Rabins ISA AM American Indigenous Artifacts, Antiquities, Ceramics - Asian, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Textiles

    (323) 791-9779
    7111 Santa Monica Blvd B-210
    West Hollywood, CA, United States

  7. Ninya Lee Greek, ISA AM

    Ninya Lee Greek, ISA AM ISA AM

    (619) 929-6192
    5482 Complex Street
    San Diego, CA, United States

  8. Carrie Young, Accredited Member

    Carrie Young, Accredited Member ISA AM Art, Bronzes, Paintings, Prints, Sculpture

    (312) 535-3580
    502 S. Westgate Street
    Addison, IL, United States
    318 West Adams Street, Suite 1526
    Chicago, IL, United States
    909 Davis Street
    Evanston, IL, United States
    345 West Washington Avenue
    Madison, WI, United States

  9. Patrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAAB

    Patrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAAB ISA AM

    (847) 906-8460
    909 Davis Street
    Evanston, IL, United States
    330 West Interstate Road
    Addison, IL, United States

  10. John R Leonard, ISA AM

    John R Leonard, ISA AM ISA AM Auction Company/Gallery, Collectibles - Coins & Currency, Dinnerware, Furniture, Silver

    (312) 535-3580
    318 West Adams Street
    Chicago, IL, United States
    909 Davis Street
    Evanston, IL, United States
    345 West Washington Avenue
    Madison, WI, United States
    502 S Westgate St
    Addison, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1Brady L. Dreasher, ISA CAPP, GPPA, CES, CAGA, WSET1

(316) 613-9686
7310 W 52nd, ste A132
Denver, CO, United States
5062 S. 108th, ste 301
Omaha, NE, United States
6222 E. 21st, ste 120
Wichita, KS, United States
6614 Clayton, ste 277
St. Louis, MO, United States
5868 E. 71st, ste E-187
Indianapolis, IN, United States
625 E Main St, ste 102B-100
Aspen, CO, United States
2121 N Frontage Rd, ste 311
Vail, CO, United States
1630 30th St, suite A522
Boulder, CO, United States
4741 Central St, suite 552
Kansas City, MO, United States
7672 Montgomery Rd
Cincinnati, OH, United States
6660 Delmonico Drive, Suite D-109
Colorado Springs, CO, United States
655 Deerfield, suite 100-402
Deerfield, IL, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Amy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds GraduateAmy N. Goodell, ISA, GIA Diamonds Graduate

(410) 236-8305
719 Holland Lane
Westminster, MD, United States

Baltimore, MD, United States

Washington, DC, United States

Gettysburg, PA, United States


Maureen S. Winer, ISA CAPPMaureen S. Winer, ISA CAPP

(410) 337-0085
17 Tanner Court
Baltimore, MD, United States


Bruce O Treadway, ISA CAPPBruce O Treadway, ISA CAPP

(847) 278-0434
600 Hart Rd.
Barrington, IL, United States
5 Revere Dr.
Northbrook, IL, United States


Bruce O Treadway, ISA CAPPBruce O Treadway, ISA CAPP

(847) 278-0434
600 Hart Rd.
Barrington, IL, United States
5 Revere Dr.
Northbrook, IL, United States


Laura A DuguidLaura A Duguid

(608) 579-4930
345 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
318 Adams
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States


Laura A DuguidLaura A Duguid

(608) 579-4930
345 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
318 Adams
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States


Laura A DuguidLaura A Duguid

(608) 579-4930
345 W. Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
318 Adams
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States


Lynn C. RabinsLynn C. Rabins

(323) 791-9779
7111 Santa Monica Blvd B-210
West Hollywood, CA, United States


Ninya Lee Greek, ISA AMNinya Lee Greek, ISA AM

(619) 929-6192
5482 Complex Street
San Diego, CA, United States


Carrie Young, Accredited MemberCarrie Young, Accredited Member

(312) 535-3580
502 S. Westgate Street
Addison, IL, United States
318 West Adams Street, Suite 1526
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States


Carrie Young, Accredited MemberCarrie Young, Accredited Member

(312) 535-3580
502 S. Westgate Street
Addison, IL, United States
318 West Adams Street, Suite 1526
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States


Carrie Young, Accredited MemberCarrie Young, Accredited Member

(312) 535-3580
502 S. Westgate Street
Addison, IL, United States
318 West Adams Street, Suite 1526
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States


Carrie Young, Accredited MemberCarrie Young, Accredited Member

(312) 535-3580
502 S. Westgate Street
Addison, IL, United States
318 West Adams Street, Suite 1526
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States


Patrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAABPatrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAAB

(847) 906-8460
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
330 West Interstate Road
Addison, IL, United States


Patrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAABPatrick T Kearney, ISA AM, MAAB

(847) 906-8460
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
330 West Interstate Road
Addison, IL, United States


John R Leonard, ISA AMJohn R Leonard, ISA AM

(312) 535-3580
318 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
502 S Westgate St
Addison, IL, United States


John R Leonard, ISA AMJohn R Leonard, ISA AM

(312) 535-3580
318 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
502 S Westgate St
Addison, IL, United States


John R Leonard, ISA AMJohn R Leonard, ISA AM

(312) 535-3580
318 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
502 S Westgate St
Addison, IL, United States


John R Leonard, ISA AMJohn R Leonard, ISA AM

(312) 535-3580
318 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL, United States
909 Davis Street
Evanston, IL, United States
345 West Washington Avenue
Madison, WI, United States
502 S Westgate St
Addison, IL, United States

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