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Showing 1–2 of 2 appraisers Show options Back to full results
- credentials Accredited Member Level, ISA AM
- services Equitable Distribution
- performs Collectibles
- performs Memorabilia - Advertising Items
- performs Collectibles - Disney
- performs Memorabilia - Entertainment
- performs Costumes
- performs Memorabilia - Transportation
- performs Wine
- performs Transport - Motorcycles
- performs Transport - Cars
- performs Transportation - Cars
Leila Dunbar, ISA AM, AAA
ISA AM Collectibles - Sports & Trading, Memorabilia, Memorabilia - Entertainment, Memorabilia - Transportation, Wine
(917) 860-1383
4630 Charleston Ter NW
WASHINGTON, DC, United States -
Ninya Lee Greek, ISA AM
(619) 929-6192
5482 Complex Street
San Diego, CA, United States
Leila Dunbar, ISA AM, AAA
(917) 860-1383
4630 Charleston Ter NW
WASHINGTON, DC, United States
Ninya Lee Greek, ISA AM
(619) 929-6192
5482 Complex Street
San Diego, CA, United States