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Showing 1–25 of 567 appraisers Show options Back to full results

  1. Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP

    Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver, Tiffany Studio Lamps, Wine

    (301) 879-3204
    8808 Mustang Island Circle
    Naples, FL, United States

  2. Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

    Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G. Gemology/Gemstones, Jewelry - Contemporary, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Estate, Jewelry - Gemstones

    (210) 415-8413
    12800 San Pedro
    San Antonio, TX, United States
    14018 Boulder Oaks
    San Antonio, TX, United States

  3. Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPP

    Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPP Art, Paintings - 20th Century, Photography - 20th Century, Prints - Modern & Contemporary, Sculpture - Contemporary

    (214) 460-3503
    P.O. Box 620244
    Woodside, CA, United States

  4. Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics - Asian, Natural Resources - Jade, Netsuke Inro & Ojime, Paintings - Asian, Prints - Japanese

    (941) 371-4643
    870 Greystone Lane
    Sarasota, FL, United States

  5. Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4058 Curlew Drive
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  6. Sidney T McKenzie, ISA

    Sidney T McKenzie, ISA ISA AM Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver, Textiles

    (713) 863-1213
    2525 Robinhood St. Suite 1100
    Houston, TX, United States

  7. Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

    Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Porcelain, Pottery, Silver

    (248) 590-0130
    7 W Square Lake Rd
    Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States

  8. Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

    Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Carpets & Rugs, Oriental Rugs, Textiles, Textiles - Asian

    (858) 453-4686
    9705 Blackgold Road
    La Jolla, CA, United States

  9. Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

    Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Collectibles, Porcelain, Silver

    (972) 418-9092
    18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
    Dallas, TX, United States

  10. Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Dinnerware, Furniture, Glass, Pottery

    (972) 416-3417
    13901 Midway Road #102-152
    Dallas, TX, United States

  11. Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member

    Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member ISA CAPP Certified Ceramics, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Glass, Silver

    (205) 872-7414
    52 Guildswood
    Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

  12. Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

    Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture - British, Furniture - European, Silver

    (972) 771-9664
    106 Autumn Trail
    Rockwall, TX, United States

  13. Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified Arts & Crafts - Quilts, Collectibles - Sewing, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Pottery, Textiles

    (817) 926-9424
    1205 Mistletoe Dr
    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  14. Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

    Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art, Paintings, Photography & Photographs, Prints, Sculpture

    (301) 340-6775
    8 Hardwicke Place
    Rockville, MD, United States

  15. Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

    Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member ISA CAPP Certified

    (850) 819-6003
    4496 Whisper Dr.
    Pensacola, FL, United States

  16. Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP

    Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified

    (425) 298-6455
    1406 N. 46th Street
    Seattle, WA, United States

  17. John G. Sexton, ISA CAPP

    John G. Sexton, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Arms & Armor - Firearms, Arms & Armor - Swords, Documents - Autographs, Militaria, Photography - 19th Century

    (770) 329-4984
    11231 US Hwy 1, #387
    North Palm Beach, FL, United States

  18. Ellen M. Kornhauser, ISA, GG

    Ellen M. Kornhauser, ISA, GG ISA CAPP Certified Jewelry - Antique & Period, Jewelry - Contemporary, Jewelry - Diamonds, Jewelry - Gold, Jewelry - Pearls

    21 Georgetown
    Cary, IL, United States

  19. Stephanie A Daugherty, MA

    Stephanie A Daugherty, MA ISA CAPP Certified Art, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Paintings, Silver

    437 Amwell Road #7162
    Hillsborough, NJ, United States

  20. Rebecca L Hogge, ISA CAPP

    Rebecca L Hogge, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Collectibles - Railroads & Trains, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Lamps & Lighting Fixtures, Pottery, Silver

    (512) 758-1647
    520 CEREZO DR
    Leander, TX, United States

  21. Pam Campbell, ISA CAPP

    Pam Campbell, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 20th Century, Drawings, Paintings, Prints - 20th Century, Sculpture - 20th Century

    (817) 233-0586
    1800 Merrick St.
    Fort Worth, TX, United States

  22. Paula A. Fox, ISA CAPP, GG

    Paula A. Fox, ISA CAPP, GG ISA CAPP Certified Collectibles, Furniture, Gemology/Gemstones, Jewelry, Silver

    (215) 801-6264
    116 Gay St #802
    Phoenixville, PA, United States

  23. Wendy M. Gerdau, ISA CAPP

    Wendy M. Gerdau, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified

    (310) 418-8203
    9854 National Blvd., Suite 208
    Los Angeles, CA, United States

  24. Len de Rohan, ISA CAPP

    Len de Rohan, ISA CAPP ISA CAPP Certified Art - 19th Century, Art - 20th Century, Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Silver - Sterling

    (865) 803-9153
    7320 Parliament Drive
    Knoxville, TN, United States

  25. Sharon Kerwick, ISA CAPP, ASA, CRA

    Sharon Kerwick, ISA CAPP, ASA, CRA ISA CAPP Certified Decorative Arts & Accessories, Furniture, Glass, Oriental Rugs, Silver

    (954) 565-9031
    1633 NE 24th Street
    Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States


Aloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPPAloysia (Nini) C. Hamalainen, ISA CAPP

(301) 879-3204
8808 Mustang Island Circle
Naples, FL, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.Rudy M. Pena, ISA, AM, G.G.

(210) 415-8413
12800 San Pedro
San Antonio, TX, United States
14018 Boulder Oaks
San Antonio, TX, United States


Perri Guthrie, ISA CAPPPerri Guthrie, ISA CAPP

(214) 460-3503
P.O. Box 620244
Woodside, CA, United States


Daphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life MemberDaphne L. Rosenzweig, ISA CAPP Life Member

(941) 371-4643
870 Greystone Lane
Sarasota, FL, United States


Richard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberRichard J Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4058 Curlew Drive
Pensacola, FL, United States


Sidney T McKenzie, ISASidney T McKenzie, ISA

(713) 863-1213
2525 Robinhood St. Suite 1100
Houston, TX, United States


Darlene R. Hines, ISA CAPPDarlene R. Hines, ISA CAPP

(248) 590-0130
7 W Square Lake Rd
Bloomfield Hills, MI, United States


Valentina Arbab, ISA CAPPValentina Arbab, ISA CAPP

(858) 453-4686
9705 Blackgold Road
La Jolla, CA, United States


Beverly J. Morris, ISA CAPPBeverly J. Morris, ISA CAPP

(972) 418-9092
18208 Preston Rd. Suite D9-158
Dallas, TX, United States


Lorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life MemberLorrie Semler, ISA CAPP Life Member

(972) 416-3417
13901 Midway Road #102-152
Dallas, TX, United States


Molly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime MemberMolly Snow, ISA CAPP, Lifetime Member

(205) 872-7414
52 Guildswood
Tuscaloosa, AL, United States


Marigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPPMarigold A. Lamb, Life Certified Member, ISA CAPP

(972) 771-9664
106 Autumn Trail
Rockwall, TX, United States


Terri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life MemberTerri Ellis, ISA CAPP Life Member

(817) 926-9424
1205 Mistletoe Dr
Fort Worth, TX, United States


Charles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPPCharles Barry Goldstein, ISA CAPP

(301) 340-6775
8 Hardwicke Place
Rockville, MD, United States


Logan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life MemberLogan G. Adams, ISA CAPP Life Member

(850) 819-6003
4496 Whisper Dr.
Pensacola, FL, United States


Pamela Jaynes, ISA CAPPPamela Jaynes, ISA CAPP

(425) 298-6455
1406 N. 46th Street
Seattle, WA, United States


John G. Sexton, ISA CAPPJohn G. Sexton, ISA CAPP

(770) 329-4984
11231 US Hwy 1, #387
North Palm Beach, FL, United States


Ellen M. Kornhauser, ISA, GGEllen M. Kornhauser, ISA, GG

21 Georgetown
Cary, IL, United States


Stephanie A Daugherty, MAStephanie A Daugherty, MA

437 Amwell Road #7162
Hillsborough, NJ, United States


Rebecca L Hogge, ISA CAPPRebecca L Hogge, ISA CAPP

(512) 758-1647
Leander, TX, United States


Pam Campbell, ISA CAPPPam Campbell, ISA CAPP

(817) 233-0586
1800 Merrick St.
Fort Worth, TX, United States


Paula A. Fox, ISA CAPP, GGPaula A. Fox, ISA CAPP, GG

(215) 801-6264
116 Gay St #802
Phoenixville, PA, United States


Wendy M. Gerdau, ISA CAPPWendy M. Gerdau, ISA CAPP

(310) 418-8203
9854 National Blvd., Suite 208
Los Angeles, CA, United States


Len de Rohan, ISA CAPPLen de Rohan, ISA CAPP

(865) 803-9153
7320 Parliament Drive
Knoxville, TN, United States


Sharon Kerwick, ISA CAPP, ASA, CRASharon Kerwick, ISA CAPP, ASA, CRA

(954) 565-9031
1633 NE 24th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States

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